Have tons of duckets just piling up in your duckets purse? Have no fear, this article is here!

Duckets are given daily which are often used to buy some furnis or effects in the catalog and even promoting an event in your own room. Looking for an alternative to building your own game room but not wanting to waste your credits? Using Duckets is an effective and cheap way of achieving that! Without further ado, this is the list of furnis you can buy using purely duckets! 

1. Posters / Windows

L to R: Rainforest Poster, Habbo Colors Poster, BW Skyline Poster, Butterfly Cabinet 1, Jolly Roger

L to R: 70s Window Small, Romantic Window Small

2. Teleporters

L to R: Wardrobe Teleporter, Random Banzai Teleporter

3. Badge Display Case

4. Rugs

L to R: Floor Rug, Soft Wool Rug, Blue Anna Rug, Black and Blue Rug, Black and Purple Rug, Black USVA Rug
In my opinion, the Black USVA rug is probably one of the best, cheapest flooring for a home or a game room even!

5. Doors

L to R: Solo Glass Door, Glass Door

6. Views (Mainly for Achievements)

L to R: Cityscape 1, Coast 1, Mountain Top 1, Forest 1, White Clouds 1, Black Clouds 1, Alhambra 1

7. Plants 

L to R: Blue Base Plant, Green Base Plant, Pink Base Plant, Red Base Plant, Cherry Tree, Bonsai Tree, Cut Roses, Bush Gate Divider

8. Water Features

L to R: Ditch Corner, Freeze Geyser

9. Accessories

L to R: Stickie Pole, Pad of Stickies, Empty Cans, Pizza Box
You can use stickies for achievement points. Cheap and easy!

10. Anna




L to R: Blue Anna Chair, Green Anna Chair, Yellow Anna Chair, Purple Anna Chair, Pink Anna Chair, Blue Anna Lamp, Green Anna Lamp, Yellow Anna Lamp, Purple Anna Lamp, Pink Anna Lamp


These are not all! There are more furnis to come in Part 2 of the Duckets Furni series. Hope this article is helpful, let us know in the comments if you're gonna spend your duckets anytime soon.