SURPRISE QUEST: Scavenger Hunt!
Your mission is to find a selection of items around the Hotel. Open the Quests window in-game to start the hunt!
Xmas Gift Boxes Claimable now!
Visit the Collectibles Shop to claim your FREE Xmas Gift Boxes! Click here for more information.
[HabboQuests] Habrek
Join HabboQuests as they explore the Habrek universe!
INCOMING: 2024 gift calendar rewards!
We’re releasing eight brand new exclusive gift calendar rewards, along with a range of other items. Check it here.
The Twelve Tasks of Habbo Xmas
Twelve Tasks, a sky-high stack of stuff to earn and build with, and all the Xmas cheer you can handle. READ ALL ABOUT IT 🗞️
[FUUSIO] Dreamscapes
Step into a world of dreams where whimsical scenes come to life!
[Habbox] Two Shades, One Masterpiece
Let’s mix, blend, and brighten the Habbo world together!
[WishHabbo] Boo to You!
It's time to celebrate Halloween with WishHabbo, who have plenty of tricks and treats up their sleeve!
Winter’s Collectible Set bonus items!
We’ve put together a schedule for a selection of bonus items we’re releasing for several Collectible Sets this winter.