The Horrific Case Of The Silent Twins.
Life of the mysterious twins.
Political Twitter Usage
Some interesting results on how Twitter usage reflects the public's opinion.
Mental Health - Spreading Awareness
Get yourself educated on Mental Health!
Afghanistan blast scientist receives MoD payout
Afghanistan blast scientist receives MoD payout
My Air Traffic Control Assessment
Recount of my assessment.
White House relaxes Obama-era healthy lunch rules
A summary on the nutritional standards in the USA.
Celebration of the Day, February 28th, 2017
Chocolate Souffle, Floral Design, Public Sleeping and Tooth Fairy Day
Celebrations of the Day, February 10th, 2017!
Cream Cheese Brownie and Umbrella Day
Celebrations of the Day, January 30th, 2017 !
Croissant and Bubble Wrap Day !
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