Ocean Ornamentation

51 new items are arriving in the hotel soon! Are you excited?

 Royal Seahorse

 Clothing_Sailortop Name

 Coral Kingdom Landscape

 Pink Staghorn Coral

 Clam Shell


 Undersea Boulders
 Neon Anemone
 Coral Kingdom Chair

 Starfish Wreath

 Deep-Sea Geyser

 Gleaming Charlice

 Clam Collection


 Violet Conch Shell

 Diver Helmet

 School of clownfish

 Coral Kingdom Seaweed

Royal Seahorse

 Coral Kingdom Fence

 Coral Kingdom Table

 Orange Starfish

Poseidon's Trident

 Neon Tree Coral

 Coral Gazebo

 Mermaid Bed

 Coral-encrusted Seabed

 Coral Kingdom Vanity Mirror

Golden Fish Hat

 Undersea Rocks


 Neon Finger Coral

 Clam Shells

Coral Kingdom Kelp

 Coral Kingdom Seabed

 Sandy Conch Shell

 Coral Kingdom Corner

 Blue Staghorn Coral

 Human Pollution


 Pink Elkhorn Coral

 Aquamarine Spiral Shell

 Bubble Seat

 Magic Coral Kingdom Chest

 Sandy Spiral Shell


 Long Lost Pots

Luscious Long Hair

 Coral Kingdom Sandbank
Solid Gold Fish

Tropical Fish

I love most of the new items but my favorite would have to be the wreath! What are your thoughts? Comment down below!