Habbo Club and Builders Club gift Boxes is here! Containing either 14 or 31 days membership of Habbo Club or Builders Clubs - like any other (tradable) furni, you can trade them with others! 

To purchase them, simply just click the 'Shop' icon and click BC & HC Boxes in the front page! There you will meet 4 gift boxes, pick which one you want to buy - the price is very much the same like the normal (the one without the boxes) ones - but they have 14 days of HC or 14 days of BC membership gift boxes! 

Here is the list of the Gift Boxes, their prices and how they looks like: 

31 days of Builders Club membership gift boxes - 105 Credits and 105 Diamonds


14 Days of Builders Club membership Gift Boxes - 60 Coins and 60 Diamonds


31 Days of Habbo Club membership Gift Boxes - 50 Credits and 50 Diamonds


14 Days of Habbo Club membership Gift Boxes - 30 Credits and 30 Diamonds