Time to get hipster with Audemars!

Everyday Essenstials 2 is here, show us what's in your bag!


• Take a picture of all the items in your everyday bag.

• There must at least be 5 items in your photo. 

• Describe the items in the photo and if you'd like to recommend the item, state the brand!

Audemars' Essentials


1. Phone with Selfie Case, a must.

2. Mini Ohh Deer Notebook, been 2 years.

3. Red 0.7 pen, I draw lots of sosjej when I'm waiting.

4. Apple Earphones, I can't stand airpods.

5. Polaroid Snapshot, I like printing pictures of clouds.

6. Michael Kors Mini Purse, my lucky purse.

7. Shades, to cover hald my ugly face.

8. Fenty Gloss Bomb, gloss and moisture my lips naturally anytime.

9. Fenty Invisitmatte, to blot and cake that grease off my face while I'm out.

10. Wet Tissue (I'M A MESSY EATER IRL) 


• One entry per person, multiple entries will be invalid. 

• All entries must be posted on feed with the hashtag #WhatsInYourBag2

• All photos must have 5 items minimum and must all be described.

• You will be judged of your hipster photo skills and the interesting items you have in your bags! So surprise us!

• Deadline - 15 July 2018 11:55PM GMT +8


• 1st Prize - 20 Credits & 20 Team Points 

• 2nd Prize - 10 Credits & 10 Team Points

• 3rd Prize - 5 Credits & 5 Team Points

All participants will receive an exclusive username icon!