Woots~ Chinese New Year is going to end soon in a couple of days, hope you guys have received loads of angpaos during this festive season!

Our Find The Angpao event has also officially come to an end! After 2 weeks of intense hide-and-seek, 18 winners have received our special angpao icon! It's time to announce the top players of this event! 

*Drum roll*

Congratulations to...........

Our Champion - @Sary walking away with 20c and 100bp! (7 wins)

Not forgetting our runners-up!

2nd place - @BryanYH who has won himself 15c and 80bp! (6 wins)

For 3rd place we have 3 winners who have tied and are going to walk away with 5c and 50bp each! (5 wins)




Honourable Mention:

@Kreasa (8 wins)

To show our gratitude, we have decided to reward an enthusiastic supporter who despite their hard work, was not able to win a round. A randomiser has been used and congratulations to @Demi who has won herself an exclusive angpao icon! ♥ 

All winners please claim your credit prize from Funkyhabbo! As for bitespoints and username icon, they will be credited directly into your purse!  Congratulations all winners ♥

Thank you all players who came down to support our events! Thank you for your active participation and we look forward seeing you guys in our next campaign "The Bachelor/Bachelorette comes to Habbobites!" Enjoy the last few days of your Chinese New Year and we wish you happiness and prosperity in 2017!