Think twice before you choose sides!

Take a chance!

Things you will need:

  • Dicemaster / Holodice x 1
  • Dividers (Optional)

How to set up the game area:

Set up a game area with sufficient space, split into two sections of equal areas using dividers. One section is for the "higher" part and the other section is for the "lower" part. To indicate which section is which, you may want to place down 2 alphabet blocks ("H" and "L") that represent the word "Higher" and "Lower". This is to make sure players know which side is which when they are choosing. By doing so, the host will not need to keep reminding players which side is higher and which side is lower. In the example shown, ditches are used to divide the two sections.


Once all players are in the game area and ready, the host will roll the dice and give the players a few seconds to decide which side to go to. For example, if the host rolls the number 3, the players will decide whether they think the next number rolled will be higher or lower than 3. Once they have decided, they will then choose a side by walking there. The host can let the players move between sides by opening the ditches (or other dividers used). When the time to decide is up, the host will close the ditches and thus roll the dice for the second time. If the number rolled is higher than 3, the players who are standing in the "higher" section is safe and the players standing in the "lower" section will need to exit from the game. The opposite will happen if the number rolled is lower than 3. If the host rolls a 1 or a 6 after the first roll, the host is required to reroll the dice as the result will obviously be higher than 1 or lower than 6. The game will keep going until there is only 1 player left in the game who is the winner!