Can I send your selfies to Nasa?

Why, you ask? Because you're a star!

NOTE: You will need a reliable partner/date for this event and you only need to go on ONE DATE!

Step 1

Get in line and wait for your turn.


Player on the LEFT say (pink): Would you like to go on a date?

Player on the RIGHT say (blue): Yes I would love to!

Once done properly you will see your parasol and food change as shown below.

When the light is green beside your table say: I got myself a valentine!

You will receive a badge.

NOTE: If you were unsuccessful, you will still be able to proceed to the next stage.

Each 3 couples will be teleported randomly to any 3 door (dates)
Enter the teleport before the timer ends or you'll be teleported out of the game.

NOTE: You only have to complete ONE date to receive the second badge.

Date A - Room 1

Note: If you lose any any of these rooms you will be kicked out and will need to go back to the start.

Step 2

Wait in the line till the game starts/gate opens (it starts automatically)

Red Roller - Teleports you back.

Green Roller - Safe.

Red Tile - You can only step on the red tile when the tile is on the roller.

Player on the RIGHT controls the switches - Flick to bring the red tile up to the red roller.

Player on the LEFT has to walk - To the end of the path.

Player on the LEFT (pink) - Walk on the ring plate to open the gate for your date.

Player on the RIGHT (blue) - Walk on gate to teleport.

Enter the teleport within 10 seconds when it rotates to you or you'll be kicked out.

Date A - Room 2

Step 3

Wait in the line till the game starts/gate opens (it starts automatically)

Player on the LEFT - get to the end of the path and sit on the pillow.

Player on the RIGHT - has to be on the correct colour tile so your date can walk on the path.
Once the your date has sat on the pillow walk on any tile to teleport.

Enter the teleport within 10 seconds when it rotates to you or you'll be kicked out.

Date A - Room 3

Step 4

Sit on any or the romantic chairs to receive your badge.

Date B - Room 1

Note: If you lose any any of these rooms you will be kicked out and will need to go back to the start.

Step 2

Wait in the line till the game starts/gate opens (it starts automatically)

With your partner rotate the rollers corresponding to your colours using the switches.

Place the ingredients as shown below.

Once the ingredients are in the correct spots flick the switch to teleport.

Date B - Room 2

Step 3

Wait in the line till the game starts/gate opens (it starts automatically)

Your partner and you will have to match the same colour tiles given.
Once done, stand still (colours must not change) you'll be teleported automatically.

Enter the teleport shown below.

Date B - Room 3

Step 4

Sit on any or the romantic chairs to receive your badge.

Date C - Room 1

Note: If you lose any any of these rooms you will be kicked out and will need to go back to the start.

Step 2

Wait in the line till the game starts/gate opens (it starts automatically)

Once you're in the game walk up the the hostess.

Player on the LEFT (pink) say: Yes

Player on the RIGHT (blue) say: Hobba

Player on the LEFT (pink) - will tell you the question.

Player on the RIGHT (blue) - will answer the question.


Table 1 

Answers: Gotham City Iron Radiation Scooby Doo Venus

Table 2 

Answers: Mercury The Wizard of Oz Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Bright orange Meatloaf

Table 3 

Answers: Daniel Craig The Big Bang Theory China Norwegian Wood Thirty

Once you've answered all 3 questions at 3 tables, all the lamps will light up.
Walk on the stairs to teleport.

Enter the teleport within 10 seconds when it rotates to you or you'll be kicked out.

Date C - Room 2

Step 3

Wait in the line till the game starts/gate opens (it starts automatically)

Get through the one way gates an stay on the marble tiles to get to your corresponding team (colour) gate.
Once both players are past the gate you will be teleported.

Enter the teleport within 10 seconds when it rotates to you or you'll be kicked out.

Date C - Room 3

Step 4 

Sit on any or the romantic chairs to receive your badge.