Birthday Celebrations

Habbo is finally a legal adult!



Step 1

Use the switches highlighted below to make the red colour tiles turn blue.

You must do this by moving across the rollers without falling off.

Once all of the tiles have been turned blue, step on the black spaceship door which will have opened to proceed.

Use the bar shown below to access the teleport and receive a badge!

Enter the teleport.

Step 2

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 30 seconds to guide the monster plant fertiliser using the arrow plates towards the ringplate.

Avoid the red colour tiles as they will reset your progress.

You will automatically proceed if the monster plant fertiliser is on the ringplate when the time runs out.

Note: The layout of the red colour tiles is random every turn.

You will receive a badge upon completing this step.

Enter the teleport.

Step 3

Sit on any of the stools shown below when the lamp highlighted in white is ON.

Wait for the candidates to finish their speeches.

Once you teleport to the block highlighted in black, step in any of the changing rooms to proceed.

You will receive a badge upon completing this step.

Enter the teleport.

Step 4

Sit on the chairs highlighted below to turn the colour tiles green.

The correct chairs are constantly changing.

Once all of the tiles are green, use any of the roses highlighted below to proceed.

You will receive a badge upon completing this step.

Enter the teleport.

Step 5

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 1 minute to make it through each car by bidding the higher number.

To change the combination of numbers, flick the switches highlighted in white for each car.

Once the pink number has a larger value than the white number, say "*Bid*" to proceed to the next car.

Keep stepping on the flowers highlighted below until you find the correct one.

The correct flower is constantly changing.

You will receive your final badge upon completing this step.