This is a guide to set up a Wired Kick furni. This is a furniture that you can put next to people, in order to automatically teleport them out of a certain area. Very useful for game rooms, and is a great alternative to waiting for them to "Exit".

Required Furniture
1 - Wired Trigger : Repeat Effect
1 - Wired Effect : Teleport to furni
1 - Wired Trigger : User Stuff Collision
1 - Wired Effect : Move furni towards nearest user
1 - Wired Effect : Match furni to position and state

1. Set the Wired Trigger : Repeat Effect to 0.5 seconds.

2. Set the Wired Effect : Move furni towards nearest user to the furniture that you will be using to kick people out.

3. Set the Wired Effect  : Teleport to furni to the seats/seat that you choose for the kicked player to teleport to.

4. Set the Wired Effect : Match furni to Position & State to the furniture that you will be using to kick people out.

NOTE: Once you set this wired, the furni will stay in this position. If you want to set another location for this furni, unselect the furni and move the furni piece before redoing step 4.

5. Set the WIRED Negative Condition: Furni States DOESN’T match to your kicker to make sure it stays in place.

NOTE: Just like step 4, if you want to set this furni to another location, you will have to unselect and move the furni before wiring it again.

6. Put together the Wired Stack, and you're done!



Guide updated by Jamie.