Pets are highly interactive bots that can be purchased by users from the 'Pets' section of the catalog. They vary in price, with the most common price being 20 coins. Once bought, you can find your pets in the 'Pets' section of your inventory. Pets can't be traded or recycled.

Pets were first introduced in January 2002, with the 'Cat' and the 'Dog' being the first of their kind. Since then, a wide array of new pets have been released, such as:

  • Crocodiles 
  • Bears
  • Terriers
  • Pigs
  • Lions
  • Rhinos
  • Spiders
  • Frogs
  • Chickens (Chicks)
  • Dragons
  • Turtles
  • Monkeys
  • Horses
  • Bunnies
  • Pigeons

Training and Breeding

In December 2009, a new feature was added, which gives users the opportunity to train their pets up through levels, earning badges for scratching, feeding and training them. To scratch your pet, simply click the pet and a menu should pop up above it's head. After, click 'Scratch'. This action gives the pet 10+ experience points. You can only scratch your pet 3 times a day. and your account must be active for 14 days before you can scratch a pet. 


In 2013 another new feature was added, which gives users the ability to breed Terriers and Bears. In order to do so, users need to buy a 'baby breeding box' which can be purchased from the 'Baby Pets Shop' section of the catalog. Each pet can only breed once, and baby pets don't grow up.