(https://www.habbobites.com/article/habbo-vs-life by blackmama1.4)

Oh hello! You have come to another (somewhat) deep article post from me with some important messages along the way.
Warning: I may ramble on and on! 


Imagine if Habbo was nothing but just a dream. Every time we exit out of Habbo, we jump back into our normal everyday life. That is exactly what I mean by Habbo being like a dream. We're done dreaming and we go straight back to reality (excluding adding each other on social media apps and stuff).

Now, imagine if Habbo didn't even exist at all. YIKES!

Let's think about it. What would your life be like if Habbo was non-existent and if we never met the people we've met and bonded with on there? You're exactly right, I don't know either! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You see, I first found out about Habbo through a magazine, and if I hadn't chosen that specific magazine, and if I hadn't come across that Habbo advertisement, then I would have never met you guys. It's crazy when you think about it, right? Everything links up with each other, or something leads onto another thing.

The next bits are pretty important to me.
Let's go over a few of my favorite things about Habbo.

One is coming across people of different nationalities/races/ethnicities (is that even a word at the end?), and some might be bilingual and you learn some of the language/s from them and what foods they eat, etc, so there's that cultural awareness. Habbo brings everyone together, regardless of where they come from. My only dislike are the time zone differences; I find it impossible yet somehow possible to interact with you all when you're awake, while it might be so late at night my time. It's a confusing world. In a way, it's helping me with my Math, calculating back or forward the hours from my time to another person's time, ha. I hate Math.

Two is being able to talk to someone about your problems, and if you find the right people, they will actually listen to you. I am not saying Habbo should be our way to seek professional help, but there is always bound to be at least some or even more people on there who are going (or have gone) through the exact same thing as you, but you just don't know it yet or haven't found them yet; whether it's mental health or physical, bullying (insults between you and your friends doesn't count, haha) etc. That is why I love 'Ditch The Label' campaign being on there.

Three is of course.....YOU GUYS. You make Habbo how it should be. So I thank you for that!

Any introverts here? Well if you are, then you know exactly what I'm talking about when I say that being physically around so many people for so long is exhausting, and you just want to get away and be by yourself. Habbo is perfect for someone like me. I can be alone in my real life, yet socialize at the same time with you all online.

Overall, I do not see Habbo as unhealthy if you go about it the right way. The money thing might be an issue because people sometimes forget it involves spending real money, and you get the annoying trolls who just want a reaction, but other than that, it's a pretty cool invention.

Anyway, to end this article, please keep that love and kindness going in a world where many of us are probably struggling in real life with our own problems - you are not alone. 

(P.S. I make time for it around my work. I work during the weekdays and chill on HabboBites (plus AFK'ing), and I additionally go on Habbo during the weekends or holidays.)