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Show off your athletic ability to earn yourself the first badge from this week-long event brought to you by HabboCreate!

Step 1
Flick the switch shown below.

Step 2
Enter the Hot Spring Teleport shown below.

Step 3
Flick the switch shown below.

Step 4
Answer the 5 Telephrase questions with the answers given below:

1. Daisy
2. Whistling Duck
3. Echo
4. Drake
5. True

Step 5
Enter the Hot Spring Teleport shown below.

Step 6
Line up in one of the queues shown below and wait patiently to enter the game.

Step 7
Once in the game, you have a minute to get the Small Sailing Boat to the correlating colour tile at

the end of the lane by flicking the Floor Switch in front of you. Every time the switch is flicked, the

Small Sailing Boat has a 50/50 chance of moving forwards or backwards. Only the first person to

get their Small Sailing Boat to their colour tile will pass to the next level.

Step 8
Enter the Hot Spring Teleport shown below.

Step 9
Line up in the queue shown below and wait to enter the game.

Step 10
Use the Color Tile which will begin to move along the rollers after the game has started to

reach each of the Rock Seats along the marble tile paths. You must sit on every Rock Seat

along each path to open the Pink Gate at the end of the rollers. If you step on any of the rollers,

you will be teleported out of the game. Once you have sat on all of the Rock Seats, the Pink

Gate will open. Once you have reached the end of the rollers, stand on the Pink Gate to proceed.

(Note: As of the 17th of July, there is a glitch in which players only need to sit on the final two rocks

to open the Pink Gate. However this may be fixed at a later time).

Step 11:
Enter the Habbo Falls Teleport shown below.

Step 12
Sit on the stool shown below to receive your badge!