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Continue your sporting excellence to achieve the second badge available at the Summer Olympics!

Step 1

Flick the switch shown below.

Step 2
Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 3
Flick the switches indicated below to move the monkey nests onto their corresponding brown tile.

Every time the switch is flicked, the monkey nest has a 50/50 chance of moving forwards or backwards.

Once the monkey nest has reached the brown tile, flick the switch again to proceed onto the next switch.

Note: If the first switch is being blocked by someone else, just type "exit" to teleport onto the seat.

Step 4
Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 5
Wait for the bot to stop speaking to you, and you will then be teleported to a mossy log.

Say "sticks" once sat on the log to proceed.

Step 6
Stand on the monster plant bed shown below to proceed.

Step 7
Stand on the long grass shown below to proceed.

Step 8
Stand on the monster plant bed shown below, and say "*dig*" to proceed.

Step 9
Step on either of the tiles indicated below.

Steps 5-9 should have turned all five of the colour tiles in the room green,

once they are all green say "done" to proceed.

If for any reason not all the tiles have turned green by this point, type

"exit" and you will have to try again.

Step 10
Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 11
Make your way from one side of the room to the other without getting hit by any wolves or bears.

Step 12
Enter the teleport shown below to receive your badge!