Chinese New Year is looming! It's time to celebrate with HabboQuests!

Step 1

Step on all of the furni highlighted in blue shown below.

Stand next to the furni highlighted in green below and say "*Put away*".

Once all of the furni highlighted has been collected, say "Done" to proceed.

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 2

Use the switches highlighted in blue when the dogs are on the red tiles to proceed.

If you flick the switch when the dog is not on the red tile you will be sent back a stage.

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 3

Say "Tea" outloud to be given the tea handitem by the Bot.

Once you have received the tea, say "Thank you!" to teleport.

Note: You will only teleport if you are holding tea.

Sit on the chair highlighted below to proceed.

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 4

Use the correct switches to spawn the firework blasters.

Once all of the firework blasters have been found, say "Done" to proceed.

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 5

Sit on any of the chairs shown below.

Make your way through the rollers and one way gates without stepping on the marble tiles.

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 6

You have 30 seconds to complete the following tasks to make the red colour tiles green and spawn the winning switch.

1. Use the Chilli Rope highlighted below.

2. Use the Teamaker highlighted below.

3. Use the Japanese Tea Set highlighted below.

4. Sit on the Tatami chair highlighted below and say "Oriental lunchbox".

5. Use the Lizard on a Stick highlighted below.

Once all of the red tiles have turned green, flick the switch which will have spawned.

Enter the Teleport shown below to receive your badge!