After months of planning and development, we're happy to introduce a brand new feature on HabboBites - Creations!

About Creations

Creations is a fun way for you to discover, share, and get inspiration from other Habbos! You can explore different room designs, pixel alterations and even photography!

Who can use Creations?

Anyone on HabboBites can make use of the feature, for free! You'll also earn rewards for publishing quality content!

What can I submit?

The following content are allowed on Creations:

  • Habbo Room Designs
  • Habbo Badges
  • Habbo Furniture Designs
  • Habbo Alterations
  • Graphical Tutorials
  • Drawings
  • Photographs (subject to approval)


All submissions are moderated before being published live. Moderators will moderate each content to ensure that they do not violate our Terms of Service.

Coming soon

  • Ability to filter posts
  • More achievements
  • Ability to share posts

We also have a whole lot more that we can't reveal for now - they will be rolled out in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

Suggestions & Feedback

Please help us improve our forum by providing us with your suggestion & feedback! You may contact any staff member on the development team, as well as the management team.

Special thanks

Throughout the past few months, I've been struggling to develop due to real life commitments, but thanks to our supportive staff team, I'm very happy to be able to finally launch this! In particular: Justin, Jamie, IceBaby, Jas, KrushGear, Poppy, Tragon, Jung, Polybotes, Josh, Danneh, Luq, Chris, Ethan, Kieran, Caterer, Morgs (I better stop now)

Check out creations!