A Skillful Challenge

How far will you get in this especially challenging maze?

Step 1

Make your way to either of the green tiles highlighted below by avoiding the flowers in each lane.

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 2

Make your way to the other side of the room by walking across the colour tiles.

Only walk on a colour tile if the teddy bear highlighted in blue is sitting on the corresponding colour.

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 3

Make your way to the tile highlighted below.

Note: None of the flowers are wired to teleport you back so you can run straight through them without losing (this is a troll room).

Flick the switches to move the flowers to the end of each lane.

You will proceed once each flower is at the end of their respective lane.

Make your way across the rollers without stepping off to proceed.

Wait for your habbo to automatically make their way towards the spot highlighted below.

Enter the teleport.

Step 4

Step on either sets of gates highlighted below to enter the game.

Once in the game, you have 2 minutes to turn all of the colour tiles green by standing on them whilst avoiding the flowers.

Run through the one way gates in order to access the colour tiles.

Once all the colour tiles are green, the area highlighted in blue will become accessible.

Enter the area highlighted in blue to proceed.

Note: The flowers are unable to reach you whilst you are stood on a colour tile or in the safe area in the middle of the game area.

Enter the teleport.

Step 5

Make your way to the other side of the room by not stepping on any of the moving flowers.

You must also avoid colliding with the raccoon and skunk which will send you back.

Enter the teleport.

Step 6

Enter any of the queues in the room by using the switches located behind their entrances and wait patiently for your turn.

Once in the game, you have 2 minutes to collect 300 points by stepping on the yellow and green tiles.

Yellow tiles score you 30 points when stood on whilst green tiles score you 15 points.

If you step on a red tile you will be sent out of the game.

You will automatically teleport once you receive 300 points.

Enter the teleport.

Step 7

Step on either of the red tiles shown below.

Walk onto the red gate to enter the green queue.

Wait patiently for your turn.

Once in the game, you have 1 minute to turn all of the colour tiles green by flicking the six switches highlighted below.

You must do this whilst avoiding the flowers.

Once all of the tiles are green, the green one way gate will rotate which you must enter to proceed.

Wait patiently to be rolled onto the yellow gate.

Enter the teleport.

Step 8

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 2 minutes to turn all of the red colour tiles green by passing the flower over each tile using the switches.

The switch highlighted in blue moves the flower forward one space per flick in the direction of the arrow highlighted in yellow.

The switch highlighted in black changes the direction of the arrow highlighted in yellow clockwise and moves the flower one space in the new given direction.

Use the path given below which indicates when to use the switch highlighted in blue and when to use the switch highlighted in black.

You will automatically teleport once finished.

Here is a demonstration on how to complete this level:

Use the teleport.

Step 9

Make your way through the rollers and one way gates without falling off.

The green tiles surrounding the rollers highlighted in red will move onto the rollers when they are stood on. You must avoid standing on the green tiles by moving onto the next roller just as you are about to roll off the previous one.

Enter the teleport.

Step 10

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 1 minute to guide the bot using the switches onto the coloured tile six times.

The colour tile will move to another part of the game area every time it is stood on.

When you flick a switch, the bot will begin to move towards the designated tile in the game area that is paired with the flicked switch (pink, yellow, red and blue).

You must time your flicks so that the bot changes direction and moves from one side of the room to the other whilst passing over the colour tile.

You will automatically teleport once finished.

Here is a demonstration on how to complete this level:

Enter the teleport.

Step 11

Step on either of the colour tiles shown below to enter the game.

Flick the switches in the order given below without getting trapped by the flowers which will increase in number after every switch.

Once all of the switches are flicked, the green spaceship doors will open which you must enter in order to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 12

This room is the first checkpoint.

Place a stickie and request the group badge in order to be able to re-enter the maze from this room at a later time once you have been accepted.

Enter the teleport below if you wish to continue the maze.

Step 13

Make your way through the one way gates to proceed.

Ensure you only step on the colour tiles.

Enter the teleport.

Step 14

You have to 2 minutes to make it to the green tiles by avoiding the bears before the room is reset.

Make it to the second half of the room via the banzai shown below.

The areas with yellow tiles are safe zones.

Note: If you get hit by a bear in the second half of the room, you will only be sent to the start of that section, not the whole room.

Enter the teleport.

Step 15

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 2 minutes to guide the bear via the arrow plates onto the colour tiles in order to make them green.

Once stood on an arrow plate, the bear will not stop moving in the given direction until you step off.

Once all of the colour tiles have been turned green, the colour tiles around you will turn green as well.

Step on any of them to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 16

Enter the game area by stepping on the gate shown below.

The game will begin once the flower reaches the end of its lane.

Once the game begins, you must avoid the flowers which will begin to move down each column.

You will be sent out of the game if you are hit by or step on a flower.

You will automatically teleport if you survive the timer.

Enter the teleport.

Step 17

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 1 minute to align the flowers with the RIP monster plant patches in front of the gnomes by using the switch.

When you flick the switch, the flower moving across the first row will stop.

The next time the switch is flicked, the flower moving across the second row will stop.

This will continue until you stop the flower in the final row which will trigger all of the flowers to move upwards, towards the RIP monster plant patches.

If you have stopped and aligned the flowers in the correct positions on the red colour tiles, they should all land on a RIP monster plant patch and you will automatically teleport.

Below, is an example of where you would stop the flowers in order to align them with the corresponding RIP monster plant patches.

Note: The placement of the RIP monster plant patches is random every round.

Enter the teleport.

Step 18

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 2 minutes to collect all of the red blobs in order to proceed.

You can use the banzais highlighted below to teleport to one side of the arena to the other.

You must also avoid being hit by the hemisphere blocks which will enter the game area every 30 seconds.

You have 3 lives before you are teleported out.

Once all of the blobs have been collected, you will automatically teleport.

Enter the teleport.

Step 19

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must follow the path given below to make all of the blue colour tiles turn green by stepping on them only once (including the ones underneath the stools).

The white arrows indicate when you need to use the chair which will move across the rollers whilst the black arrows indicate the path that should be taken over the colour tiles.

You will lose if you miss the white chair and step on the rollers.

Once all of the blue colour tiles are green, the gate at the end should open which you must step on to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 20

Make your way across the pods and onto the green tiles to get to the next stage.

You will teleport back if you step on a red tile.

Your habbo will automatically move downwards so you will need to quickly diag onto the next pod if there is a change in lane.

Repeat the previous instructions for the second row of pods.

Enter the teleport.

Step 21

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 1 minute to get both the pink and blue flowers onto their respective tiles using the arrow plates.

Once stood on an arrow plate, the flower you are shifting will not stop moving in that direction until you step off the arrow plate or move onto another.

If either of the flowers touch any of the patios, all your progress will be reset.

You will begin the game by moving the pink flower.

Once the pink flower is in place, the arrow plates will immediately begin to control the blue flower instead.

Use the paths given below.

Once both flowers are in place, flick the switch which will spawn highlighted below.

Enter the teleport.

Step 22

Make your way across the rollers and through the rotating one way gates without falling.

You must also avoid the dragon which will teleport you back if hit.

Enter the teleport.

Step 23

Make your way to the other side of the room by passing over the stools.

You must pass over the stools without stopping or else you will be sent back.

Enter the teleport.

Step 24

Use any of the balloon dispensers to claim the first badge!

This room is the second checkpoint.

To re-enter the maze from this room at a later date, wear the rabbit badge and step on either of the green tiles highlighted below.

Enter the teleport below if you wish to continue the maze.

Step 25

Make your to the other side of the room by not stepping on any of the moving colour tiles.

Enter the teleport.

Step 26

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 2 minutes to match the colour of the colour tiles on the left side to the colour tiles on the right side.

Every time you step on a tile, its colour will be changed by one state.

Once the left side matches the right, you will automatically be teleported.

Note: Colour tiles that are meant to be light blue will not change state, you can use this to your advantage if you accidentally trap yourself.

Enter the teleport.

Step 27

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must make your way through the chairs and onto the green colour tile before the dragon highlighted in black moves along the rollers and reaches the red tile, blocking your way.

You must only walk off the chairs when they are facing the direction you are going in, otherwise you will be sent back to the start.

Enter the teleport.

Step 28

Step on the gate shown below.

Make your way through the one way gates without stepping on the red colour tiles in order to reach the green pod highlighted to proceed.

If you are stood on the green tiles for more than 10 seconds you will be teleported back to the start.

Make your way through the one way gates without stepping on the red colour tiles in order to reach the pink pod highlighted in blue.

If you are stood on the green tiles for more than 10 seconds you will be teleported back to the start.

Avoid getting hit by the unicorn praline highlighted in black.

The area highlighted in white contains colour tiles that change between red and green. Only walk on these tiles when they are green.

Enter the teleport.

Step 29

Step on either of the green tiles shown below to enter the queue.

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have to complete each of the five rounds.

You will have 1 minute to complete each round.

During each round, you must step on each tile in the game area only once in order to change its colour.

If a tile is stepped on more than once and changes colour for a second time, you will need to reset the stage you are on by sitting on the pillow located at the start.

Once all of the tiles are the correct colour, the one way gate at the end of each stage will rotate.

Wait inside the one way gate until it is time for the next stage.

If you lose at any stage you will be sent to the beginning of the whole room.

The path for each stage is given below:

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

The pressure plates highlighted in white teleport you from one to the other.

Round 5

Be aware of the gate in which you will need to exit diagonally indicated by the white arrow. You will be unable to reach the given tile unless you exit the specified gate diagonally.

Enter the teleport.

Step 30

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 2 minutes to guide the party hats to their corresponding tiles.

To retrieve a party hat, stand on the tile in front of it.

The hat will then follow you as long as you are no more than two spaces away.

If you get too far from the hat, it will start to move around randomly.

Be cautious of the moving red tiles which will send you to a 5 second timeout area highlighted in red below.

After 5 seconds, the one way gate will rotate, allowing you back into the game area.

Also be wary of the mouse traps which will trap you for a few seconds if stood on.

Once all four hats are in place, step on the tile which will have turned green to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 31

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 1 minute to flick all four switches in the game area to turn the colour tiles green without stepping on the red tiles or getting hit by the bears.

Once all of the tiles have been turned green, step on the tile in the middle of the arena which will now have also turned green to proceed.

Here is a demonstration on how to complete this level:

Enter the teleport.

Step 32

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must get the unicorn to the cupcakes by passing through the pink one way gate.

Every time you pass through the one way gate from the left side, the unicorn will move forward a space.

The one way gate will rotate the wrong way every time you pass through it.

Flick the switches on either side to align the one way gate correctly again.

Avoid falling off the rollers or else you will lose the game.

Once the unicorn reaches the cupcakes, pass through the one way gate once more to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 33

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must turn all of the tiles highlighted in blue to green by stepping on them in order to change their colour.

You must complete this before the flower reaches the end of its lane.

Avoid getting hit by the rocks or else you will lose.

Once all of the tiles are green, step on the tiles in the centre of the game area which will have turned green as well to proceed.

Here is a demonstration on how to complete this level:

Enter the teleport.

Step 34

Pass through the gate to enter the game.

Once on the rollers, wait for the unicorn praline to reach the end of its lane whilst not falling off.

The game will begin once the unicorn praline reaches the end.

Once the game begins, remain on the rollers without falling off for 50 seconds.

After 10 seconds has passed, the rollers will begin to rotate.

After 20 seconds have passed, red tiles will spawn which you must avoid stepping on.

When there are 10 seconds remaining on the timer, you must quickly pass through the exit gate which will have opened before the time runs out.

Enter the teleport.

Step 35

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Turn all of the red tiles green by stepping on them.

You must do this without getting hit by the flowers and before the flower in the lane reaches the red tile at the end.

You will spawn on the chair highlighted in blue below.

Once all of the tiles are green, stand on the tile highlighted below which will have also turned green to proceed.

Here is a demonstration on how to complete this level:

Enter the teleport.

Step 36

Enter the teleport.

Step 37

Step on the gate highlighted in blue below.

Afterwards, wait for the gate highlighted in green to open. You will receive your badge by walking on it!