Habbo has just released the new Habbo Catalogue layout after a short maintenance! Are you excited for its new look?

For the past few years, a lot of catalogue layouts were introduced by Habbo. Today, we're going to talk about the Habbo Catalogue!





This was the Habbo Catalogue in the past:

As you can see, Habbo has been constantly improving over the past few years. Not just in terms of layout or design, but also nicer graphics and more decent furnitures added into the catalogue.

As some of you might know, Habbo actually made some changes to the Habbo Catalogue, making it look more organized in June 2016.





Once again, on 25 July 2016, Habbo has just added a brand new layout to the Habbo Catalogue at around 5:50pm GMT+8. This addition or changes to the Habbo Catalogue design will definitely help users find the furnis that they are looking for quicker and easier as it is further down broken into many different sections.



Habbo has once again revamped the Habbo Catalogue and broke it down into further sections. Furthermore, on the 'Front Page' of the Habbo Catalogue, it shows the latest furnitures added into the catalogue allowing users to be aware of they've just added into the Store! 

These sections are as follow:

  • Front Page
  • Furni 
  • Clothing
  • Pets
  • Memberships





Another noticeable change is that furnitures in the catalogue is positioned and designed differently compare to when it was updated. It now has a label under each furni that tells us how much that it costs in credits or diamonds!


What do you think about the new design/layout for the Habbo Catalogue? Do you find the changes or additions useful? Do let me know in the reactions section!