One Way Dreams

Mouses at the ready!

Step 1

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you will have 5 minutes to complete the one way gate course.

If you lose at any stage, you will be sent back to the stage prior.

Note: Multiple people will be let in at once.

The Game

Firstly, make your way across the rollers and through the one way gates without falling off or standing on the tulip teapot.

The mushroom highlighted in blue below is safe to sit on.

Next, pass through the single one way gates. You must avoid standing on any colour tiles by diaging onto the duck grass.

Receive the first badge by flicking the switch highlighted below.

Continue passing through the one way gates and duck grass without standing on the colour tiles.

Pass through two sets of triple gates and duck grass without standing on the colour tiles to proceed.

Finally, pass through the double gates and duck grass without standing on the colour tiles to receive your second badge!