This is part of the national pledge Singaporeans believe in and have been reciting since 1966. Written by S.Rajarathnam, the then member of the cabinet and later, the Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore.
Why was the pledge written?
Being a trading port and a previously colonialised by the Biritsh, Singapore developed into a multi-racial and religious society. There are various ethic groups. The 4 major groups are Malay, Chinese, Indian and Caucasians. Everyone brought their respective believes to the then Malay populated Island. There were a multitude series of unfortunate events. These events showed the difficulty in integrating a diverse community.
Race, lauguage and religion are factors which could easily divide the community. A community by definition is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. That characteristic which is the goal of Singapore to this day is to have a community which respects the believes of each other. One and not divided. Only then could a community such as Singapore exsist.
This was the belief of S.Rajarathnam when we wrote the national pledge.
The pledge in full:
We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people.
Regardless of race, language or religion.
To build a democratic society, based on justice and equality.
So as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation.