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Continue the hunt to claim all the badges hidden within Santorini!

The badges:

Step 1:
Join the queue shown below .

Step 2:
Once in the game area, flick the switches placed in front of the statues as seen in the image below to change their corresponding tile's colour. Match the tiles to the colours shown below.
Note: Do not move when Christophorus the bot is NOT behind the Santorini Rocks as you will be sent back to the queue. Also be aware that Furolles Torches bordering the game area act as a timer. Once all of the Torches are extinguished, you will be teleported out of the game.

Step 3:
Once Step 2 is complete, a Steampunk Tele should be exposed. Enter it.

Step 4:
To claim the secret badge, step on the tile indicated below.

Step 5:
To claim your badge, use the switch shown below.