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Join the hunt to get all secret santorini game badges!


Step 1

Get the ball onto the tile.


Step 2

Flick the switch before the timer goes off!


Step 3

When teleported on the boat, make your way through the obstacles and dont touch the water!


Step 4

Enter the Teleporter.


Step 5

Stand behind the pillar as shown to get your badge!


Step 1

Get the ball on the tile.


Step 2

Flick the switch before the timer goes off!


Step 3

When teleported on the boat, follow the path and make it to another island!


Step 4

Walk on the long grass until you got banzied to the teleporter and enter the teleporter!


Step 5

Enter the room and you will receive your badge!


Step 1

Get the ball on the tile.


Step 2

Flick the swtich before the timer goes off!


Step 3

When teleported on the boat, avoid the sharks while crossing onto the island on the right and enter the teleporter!


Step 4

Step on the Monkey Nest to get your badge!