I'm sure most of you have heard about how a newly married couple's wedding photos went wrong on their wedding day. 

If you haven't seen the Facebook post made by the bride or the photos at all, you can view them by searching for "Jaclyn Ying" on Facebook.

Well, according to the bride, the post and photos were posted, but they were just for humour and it was not her intention to shame the photographer or anyone in the photos posted. However, the photographer did initially strike back and posted some other decent photos to defend himself. That post has been deleted afterwards, though. Then, the bridal company proceeded to post other "well-taken" photos of the wedding day. 

According to the photographer, he took and edited more than 900 photos of the wedding day! He also mentioned that he was paid only $350 for the job, while other professional photographers in the industry normally charge around $1000-$2000. The bride also mentioned that they were not allowed to choose their photographer. 

The couple is also currently looking for compensation from the bridal company.

What would you do if your wedding photographs turn out like these? Feel free to discuss in the comments!