Welcome to 'This Week Bites', a new weekly article that discusses the sum up of the week. In this current weekly advisor we sum up everything from Habbo Hotel right down to HabboBites or even a spotlight on a user or staff member. We take you through what you missed and leave you wanting more! This weeks edition focuses on the new bundles and furniture Habbo introduced into the community and followed by what is to come. We introduce a new features being added to HabboBites and we talk about the opening weekend for the 'Ghost Busters' Film franchise. 

          WHAT'S NEW HABBO!

Earlier this week Habbo introduced to us a new and upcoming furniture line which fits into the 'Garden' category in the catalog. What seems to be an exciting and new  edition  to the catalog with many "cute and design-able" furniture, many hope that this would become a permanent position for Users to constantly buy. With the  hype of  all the furniture Habbo then decided to release the 'Cozy Garden bundle' Making it one of the most successful bundles this year with users buying up to 3 packages each. With the release of the full furniture line coming to the catalog next week, users are saving every credit they have to invest in such a luxurious and refreshing furniture change. 

Also released in the catalog this week was the Rare Jellyfish Lamp. Valued at 25 credits and 25 Diamonds, This small piece of animated furniture adds a glow of blue into your room. The furniture has 2 Jellyfishes, with animated bubbles and there tentacles moving in an up and down position. Is this worth the price? Let us know in the comments below!

 Habbo Club Members (HC)! Are you a Habbo Club Member? YAY! With the success of releasing the Jungle furniture line into early access for HC  members, Habbo decided to do the same thing for the new HabboLympix furniture line! Any user with HC access will be granted to buy and sell  furniture one week prior to public release. This is a new promotion to lure users into buying HC. If that is the case, sign me up! What do you think about  this, is it  fair? Or should HC members wait like the NON-HC members? Tell us in the comments! 



     New Updates at HabboBites!

With HabboBites taking off to be the number one Habbo Fansite we are upgrading almost everything! Soon to be confirmed a new and upcoming event campaign is set to hit users in August. With the event still is pre-production ideas are being thrown around about what it should become. The staff are working very hard to try and make every user have as much fun as possible. What do you think this new event could be? Let us know in the comments!

With confirmation from the staff member 'FunkyHabbo', HabboBites will be getting some new user icons. Some time to hit within the next 2 weeks users are eagerly waiting to see what this staff member has in stall for us this time. The icons will be available to all and to some of the HabboBites club members. Some sneak peaks will be available in the second edition. 

With HabboBites becoming extremely popular the fansite has now rolled in a new department! Step aside event organizers, move along DJ presenters!, coming through content producers, As of today the website has announced a new staff category, Graphic Designers! This gives users more of a chance to join in and create fun images, amazing logos and even show off there talent to the HabboBites community! Will you be signing up to become a graphics artist or are you more of a DJ fan?

      Who you Gonna Call?!

Plot (Rotten Tomatoes): Ghostbusters makes its long-awaited return, rebooted with a cast of hilarious new characters. Thirty years after the beloved original franchise took the world by storm, director Paul Feig brings his fresh take to the supernatural comedy, joined by some of the funniest actors working today--Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth. This summer, they're here to save the world!

The Fantastic franchise is back! With an all star female cast the movie hits high. With the movie making a controversial entrance into the world by releasing a trailer, it's standers are set high! With movie lovers complaining that an all female lead and a bit of sexism in the movie most male viewers are rating the movie as low as 3. Even tho GhostBusters do have certain scenes where the portray the male as 'dumb' the movie hit well causing laughter and nail biting moments throughout the film. 

With the movies budget as high as $144,000,000 they did pretty well for a film that caused so much panic. The film made in the opening weekend an estimate of $53,000,000. With Sony happy that they had taken this on board there discussing plans to make another film in the franchise. What do you think of this new Ghost Busters film? Will you being going to watch it? What do you think of it. You can currently view the trailer here.

That wraps up this edition of 'This Week Bites'. Would you like a movie or something shown in next weeks eiditon? Let us know with a comment! Until next time this is the author logging off.