Calling all master planners and crazy scientists of HabboBites! 

We're looking for new and innovative ideas - with a chance for them to be turned into features on HabboBites!

What to do

All planners will need to come up with a detailed plan for a new site feature. We're looking for fun, innovative and quirky features! Your plan should include:

1. A description of the feature and why it would be interesting or useful

2. Include drawings, screenshots, visuals etc. to aid your idea - upload your image to imgur and provide the link in the submission box.


• Your feature should be as original as possible

• We are looking for new features and addons to existing core feature

• Your feature should not break the Habbo way or our Terms of Service

• Avoid using ideas from past competitions

• You may submit more than one entry

• You can only be rewarded for one of your suggestion


Chosen planners will work closely with the developers to carry out testing and have their features implemented on HabboBites. Once the features are implemented, they'll be awarded.

• 20 Habbo Credits 

• 20 Bites Points

• 1 Month of Bites Club

• Exclusive username icon - Lightbulb