Welcome to CriticalMistake's Habbo Wired tutorials.  In this article, we will be going over how to setup telephrase wired.

What you will be needing:

1. Wired Trigger: User Says Keyword (Amount will vary based on setup).

2. Wired Effect: Teleport To Furni (Amount will vary based on setup).

3. Wired Condition: Triggering User Is On Furni (Amount will vary based on setup).

Step 1

1. Double click the "Wired Trigger: User Says Keyword".

2. Enter the word you would like the players to say/guess.

3. Keep 'Any User' selected.

4. Click 'Ready'.

Step 2

1. Double click the "Wired Effect: Teleport To Furni".

2. Select the furni players go to when they say/guess the word.

3. Keep 'Delay Effect' set at 0 seconds.

4. Click 'Ready'.


Step 3

1. Double click the "Wired Condition: Triggering User Is On Furni".

2. Select the furni players are sitting on while guessing/saying the word.  You can select up to 5 furni.

3. Click 'Ready'.

When all is complete, the following should happen:

*NOTE* In this tutorial, as you can see, there are six chairs.  If you have more than six chairs, due to the wired condition only allowing up to 5 furni to be selected, you will need a second stack, and repeat steps 1 through 3 with the other chairs.  Benches are helpful in telephrase, as they can sit up to two or more players, but be aware that glitching might occur when 2 or more users say the keyword at the exact same time!

Happy wiring!