Amidst our Easter celebrations, Daryl and I –on behalf of the Engagement & Competitions team- decided to create an awareness event commemorating World Health Day.

          Our little campaign consists in a telephrase maze room depicting everyday life scenarios, where you need to answer diligently each question to get to the final room. Complete this and you will win 15 bites points, a site achievement, and the chance to win a room bundle + 30 credits!

            Read the following to learn more about this day and the World Health Organization.


    World Health Day

            Every year, on April 7th, the world celebrates global health awareness day -known as World Health Day- under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO). It’s held to mark and commemorate WHO's founding, and to draw attention to a subject of major importance regarding global health. Each year WHO organizes international, regional and local events on this day related to the annual campaign.

            World Health Organization's constitution came into force 7 April 1948, as a specialized agency of the United Nations; and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Their goal is to “build a better, healthier future for people all over the world”, working side by side with governments and other partners to ensure the highest attainable level of health for all people.

            In 1948, WHO took over the responsibility for the International Classification of Diseases, which has become the international standard for defining and reporting diseases and health conditions.


      WHO’s main areas of work:

  •  Health systems, helping countries to develop, implement and monitor solid national health plans.
  •  Promoting health through the life-course, reducing disparities between and within countries, taking into account the need to address environment risks and social determinants of health, as well as gender, equity and human rights.
  • Noncommunicable diseases, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung disease, and mental health conditions.
  • Communicable diseases, to increase and sustain access to prevention, treatment and care for HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and to reduce vaccine-preventable diseases.
  • Preparedness, surveillance and response, leading and coordinating the health response in support of countries, providing critical technical guidance, supplies and financial resources as well as monitoring the health situation during emergencies. 
  • Corporate services, providing the enabling functions, tools and resources that make all this work possible.


        WHD 2017 - Depression: Let's Talk

            This year’s campaign is ‘Depression: Let's Talk’, and aims to mobilize nations to act on depression; a condition that affects people of all ages, nationalities, and lifestyles. It impacts on people’s ability to carry out everyday tasks, with consequences for families, friends, and even communities, workplaces, and health care systems. At worst, depression can lead to self-inflicted injury and suicide. A better understanding of this preventable and treatable illness will help reduce the stigma associated with it, and lead to more people seeking help.


     What you need to do:

  • Search owner marrelpunk on the navigator or simply click here to head down to our ‘World Health Day HabboBites’ room.
  • Click ‘Use’ in any of the Classic BB ticket furni available on the room’s lobby to start the telephrase.
  • Answer the questions according to what you read in this article to move up through the different scenarios.
  • Once in the final stage, enter the Runestone teleport to head down to the winners’ room.
  • Drop a stickie stating your HabboBites username.
  • That’s it! The room will be open from Friday, April 7th (12PM AEST Melbourne Time / 10 AM SG Time) - and will close on Sunday, April 9th (12AM AEST Melbourne time / 10PM SG Time).


            Every person that participates will be receiving:

- WHD 2017 site achievement.   

- 15 bites points.


            All the names will be put into a random generator for a chance to win this hospital room bundle + 30 credits on Habbo!



            Special thanks to Felidae, for helping us create the beautiful site achievement that will be given to everyone who completes this informative campaign; and to Obsole and the whole E&C team for their valuable help.


           Good luck, everyone~!