Dreams 24 Oct 2016 3:27 PM
Do you dream a lot? What do your dreams usually consist of?

Most of the time I just dream really ordinary things like being in school or just practically doing the same things I do in reality like conversing with someone, doing chores, etc. 

The only times I really have vivid dreams is when it's a nightmare and I'm under a lot of stress like a murderer is on the loose or something really emotional like missing friends/relatives and death.

Kaleidoscope Love

Reply: Dreams 24 Oct 2016 4:19 PM
I hardly ever remember my dreams unless they're nightmares or reoccurring parts. Tend to interpret what I can remember. Like I dream of my teeth falling out a lot? Meaning I lack self confidence or have a feeling of embarrassment. Have no clue if that's necessarily true, but it seems as if I'll most likely remember dreams if I'm going through some sort of turmoil in my life.
Reply: Dreams 24 Oct 2016 4:28 PM
I recall having a lot of dreams but I can't seem to remember the content! It's a mystical feeling for me and my dreams are always wild. 

I heard of this saying "If you remember your dream, it will come true in real life." That makes me a little afraid if I dreamed of something bad D-;

seduction is my art (-:

Reply: Dreams 24 Oct 2016 5:58 PM
I dream alot :x  But some i don't remember, unless i woke up cos of my dreams/nightmare, then i clearly remember it LOL. I remember once i fell asleep in class on my desk and i dreamt dinosaur or some creature chasing after me. I was running and kicked my table then woke up and i was like awks LOOL

Reply: Dreams 24 Oct 2016 10:45 PM
as everyone here mostly remembering just those dreams i m dying in or when i recognize that it is a dream but then im always ending up waking up really fast sigh, however my worst ever dream was when i died and did not recognize it was a dream i really thought i was dead this moment and call it a bad joke but my first thought was literally '[fry] my browser history' ~_~
Last edit: 25 October 2016 2:20 PM

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Reply: Dreams 25 Oct 2016 5:02 AM
I have a lot of dreams about my teeth falling out/feeling wobbly too and I'd say I'm quite a self-conscious person so it makes sense..

I love remembering my dreams but they're always so bizarre and when I tell friends about them I just sound like an idiot lmao

Reply: Dreams 27 Oct 2016 2:34 AM
i usually remember dreaming about the people i know and met so that's kinda weird when i see them around
Reply: Dreams 27 Oct 2016 5:43 PM
I don't always remember my dreams, but every so often I will. Usually they are really bizarre and random which I find quite amusing.

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