Badges 23 May 2016 6:50 AM
We all know what badges are and like to collect some or all...
What is your favorite habbo badge? Did you win a competition or was it a maze?

I have a few favorite badges...
The model one I won on Twitter (2 people own)
And a badge I won in 2011 for a winter outfit contest (7 people own)
Last edit: 23 May 2016 6:51 AM
Reply: Badges 23 May 2016 7:32 AM
I have 1157 badges I think and my favorite one is my zombie badge because it has my name on it! :)
Reply: Badges 23 May 2016 8:15 AM

#1 won it from a badge designing competition (I designed the 5th badge) in 2011 (only 15)
#2 Game of the month badge I just love how it looks lol (only about 8)
#3 Dancing with habbos live event a few years ago - won it for being one of the dancers (about 20)
#4 Ancient romance badge! Won it for making a comic strip for Anthony & Cleopatra from Habbo Stories years ago (only 8)
#5 Pesky Pillow Trophy! I designed this badge :D It has my name in description aka I am a part of Habbo forever xox

Reply: Badges 23 May 2016 12:02 PM
my favourite is the teuthida champion that im wearing. only tallespin and me got that badge!

(2, 8 and 56 users share the same badges respectively)

habbo journo is also one badge that im proud to own
Reply: Badges 23 May 2016 2:57 PM
My favourite badge would be the singapore flag!! But i don't have it >: 

seduction is my art (-:

Reply: Badges 23 May 2016 3:41 PM

This badge bc back in the days it's literally impossible to win any competitions on because the same group of people always win competitions. 
Reply: Badges 24 May 2016 11:43 PM
My favourite is the one I always wear. The "Eucalypt" badge. Fozzie admitted via a tweet to me that she named it after my Habbo because of my outstanding efforts with competitions and such.
Reply: Badges 25 May 2016 12:42 AM
My fav badge is the badge I made c:
Reply: Badges 25 May 2016 4:44 PM
i miss habbo making badges based on real life events,tv shows, and etc..

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