Reply: sulake is having a tough time in brazil.... 20 Nov 2017 4:01 AM
Sulake and Habbo have been an absolute disgrace over the last 7 years and I for one have lost all support for the team at Sulake. They no longer put users first and have even stabbed committed staff members in the back on several occasions. I won't say who but I know one particular ex-staff member and the things I've been told are heartbreaking.

Habbo switched its focus from users to money in around 2008/2009 and as a result of this, the merge took place, reducing the cost of running hotels to maximise profit. The introduction of diamonds are intended to force people to buy new credits as some purchases like Habbo Club require diamonds as well as credits. It was entirely the fault of Habbo for the '2012 Channel 4' news report naming & shaming Habbo who were putting child safety at risk by inadequately responding to child sexual exploitation and criminal activity reports being made by users (including by me) on a regular basis.

As much as I enjoy speaking to people and doing the occasional radio show, I lost my love for Habbo many years ago and I'd very much welcome the closure of Habbo sooner rather than later.
Last edit: 20 November 2017 4:02 AM

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