What games do people like? 2 Jun 2016 11:39 AM
I was wondering what games people like to play? I'm looking to make a new events room but struggling with games as the old games I knew are not popular anymore. I don't know most of the new games besides Heaven or Hell which I already have.

Please leave some feedback below and if possible a little something about how the game works. :3
Reply: What games do people like? 2 Jun 2016 11:50 AM
Danger Pod is a good one

Theres a selection of pods (however many you want) and each round 1 is added to the wired, as the rounds progress more and more are added. Users access the pods via a banzai teleport, there are banzais stacked under each pod.
If they're unlucky enough to be sent to one that is wired, they get teleported to the lobby.
Reply: What games do people like? 2 Jun 2016 11:55 AM
Ohh so somewhat like Heaven or hell where you teleport and land on wrong pod you are out? Maybe I will make that :3
Reply: What games do people like? 2 Jun 2016 12:02 PM
fridge game, danger pod are great games to start hosting with

bank game if you have some credits to spare
Reply: What games do people like? 2 Jun 2016 12:06 PM
Bank game looks fun also but I do not know the options for it for dice like p2k etc.
Last edit: 2 June 2016 12:06 PM
Reply: What games do people like? 2 Jun 2016 12:07 PM
People tend to go for more luck-based games so heaven or hell, danger pod, fridge game is always a hit. 
Less popular games involve more skill and those require more practice. These games include trivia. 

Refer to this thread to gauge what games people like!

Kaleidoscope Love

Reply: What games do people like? 2 Jun 2016 1:55 PM
Grocery List is a Fun game ! :)
Reply: What games do people like? 2 Jun 2016 2:48 PM
Mjguy Posted
2 June 2016 12:06 pm

Bank game looks fun also but I do not know the options for it for dice like p2k etc.

1: gain
2: lose
3: p2k
4: bankrupt
5: steal
6: donate

if you are afraid you might forget them, put them in your room promo description so you ca refer to it

i think banzai bg is more popular than bg since its luck based and its faster
Reply: What games do people like? 2 Jun 2016 4:38 PM
I'm still stuck in the old habbo so I prefer cc HAHAHA But hi5 man! It's so rare to find someone who doesn't know the new games too!! 

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