Reply: What's your childhood like? 17 Jun 2016 3:03 PM
When I was younger growing up, every day after school we would go ride bikes and play games in general up and down the street.. Hide and seek or kick the bucket and many more.. I now feel sorry for the neighbors but it's quite strange as I recently had the experience of moving out and having the chance to actually move in to the house next to the house i grew up in as a little tacker and it's like Dejavu.. I see one kid playing outside and then all of a sudden it's like they all come out of no where and converge in the street! It's actually quite nice to see the generations of kiddies still doing this and having that feeling knowing that was once me being a little rasqal and being so care free.. I want to be a youngin again. *Sobs*

Be right back.. going to see if I can join into their game of Hide and Seek.

EDIT: They said I'm too old.. They're too cool for me. :(
Last edit: 17 June 2016 3:04 PM
Reply: What's your childhood like? 20 Jun 2016 1:35 PM
I remember spending more time with my family when I was younger. We'd go to different places every weekend but now that I'm older I prefer to stay in bed than to go out. Another fond memory of mine was always falling asleep during car rides and then my dad would pick me up and I'd wake up somewhere completely different/new. Was awesome!

Kaleidoscope Love

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