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Can you get yourself out of these cursed dungeons?

Step 1

Stand in the spot highlighted below and say "qvp".

Step 2

Use the switch that has now been revealed indicated below.

Be careful to only walk in the upper left-hand section of the room when John the bot is sleeping on his bed.

If you walk when John is standing, you will be kicked from the room.

Step 3

Make your way through the passage shown below once the bookcase has moved out of the way.

Remember to only walk when John the bot is in his bed when leaving the upper left-hand section of the room.

Step 4

Step on the tile shown below to receive the guard effect.

Step 5

Step on the tile highlighted below and wait for Guard6 the bot to open the gate for you.

Step 6

Once Guard6 has opened the gate, step through it.

Step 7

Wait for Guard5 to walk through the gate shown below and quickly walk through it before it closes again.

Step 8

Wait for Guard5 to walk through the gate shown below and quickly walk through it before it closes again.

Step 9

Enter either of the Teleports shown below to receive your badge!