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What's better than Christmas? A Harry Potter themed Christmas!

Step 1

Step on the tile highlighted below.

Step 2

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 3

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Step 4

Once in the game you have 1 minute to collect all of the Gothic Candelabras by blocking their path via walking in front of them.

Step on the Gray Gate which will have opened once all of the Gothic Candelabras have been collected to proceed.

Step 5

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 6

Make your way across the rollers and through the one way gate towards the Brown Tile without falling off and without stepping on any books.

Step 7

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 8

Flick the switch shown below once it appears.

Step 9

Once in the game, you must avoid colliding with the spider for 30 seconds by switching from one Monkey Nest to the other.

Switch Monkey Nests by saying "Jump".

Step 10

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 11

Stand next to the Office Clutter highlighted below and say "*Pick up*" to pick it up.

Once all of the Office Clutter has been picked up, say "Done" to proceed.

Step 12

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 13

Flick all of the hidden switches highlighted below to make the red colour tiles turn green.

Once all of the red colour tiles are green, say "Done" to proceed.

Step 14

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 15

Sit on any of the stools highlighted below and say "Butterbeer please" to receive a Butterbeer.

Step 16

Stand on each of the tiles highlighted below and say "*Give*" to give each customer a Butterbeer.

Giving a customer a Butterbeer will turn a red colour tile green. Say "Done" once all the red colour tiles have turned green.

Note: This step will only work if you are holding a Butterbeer retrieved from Step 14.

Step 17

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 18

Stand on the correct piece of Kale to proceed.

The correct piece is constantly changing.

Step 19

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 20

Say "Merry Christmas ho ho ho." to receive your badge!