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Join FlyHabbo through Studio Ghibli favourites!



Step 1

Clean up the books moving across the floor by standing on each one and saying "clean".

Once all of the books have been collected and all the colour tiles are green, say "done" to proceed!

Upon completing this step, you will receive a badge!

Step 2

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 3

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 4

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Step 5

Once in the game, you have a minute to use the arrow plates to guide Sophie the Bot using the light blue colour tile towards each of the red colour tiles to make them green.

Once all of the red tiles have turned green, say "calcifer" to progress.

Note: Both Sophie and the light blue colour tile have to be on a red tile for it to turn green.

Step 6

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 7

Make your way to the Haunted Bus Stop by only walking when it is NOT raining.

Also make sure to avoid stepping on the Monster Plant Beds or else you will be sent back.

Upon completing this step, you will receive a badge!

Step 8

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 9

Use or step on the items highlighted below to collect them.

Once all of the items have been collected and the Patios are full, say "done" to proceed.


- Pink Pet Basket

- Floor Switch 1

- Books (Pink)

- Forgotten Toy Chest

- French Flower Cart

- Fish Barrel

Step 10

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 11

Answer the "I Spy" game using the answers given below:

1. Spinning Top

2. Fruit Salad

3. Vintage Vinyl Records

4. Empty Cans

5. Ponyo

6. Artist's Literature

Step 12

Enter the Teleport shown below.

Step 13

Stand on each of the tiles highlighted in blue below and say "*search*" to make them green.

Once all of the tiles are green, say "done" to receive your final badge!

Avoid colliding with the Wolf or else you will be sent back.