Some Sentimental Shows

Enjoy this throwback to some of our favourite childhood shows!



Step 1

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Wait for the scene to finish, you will enter the game once it is done.

Once in the game you must run away from Ernest the bot for 1 minute without getting touched.

Once 1 minute is over, step on the cat rug highlighted below to proceed after the antidote spawns onto the table.

Upon completing this step you will receive a badge!

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 2

Use either of the two wells highlighted below to collect the water handitem.

Deliver water to the four animals by reaching the rock platforms highlighted below whilst carrying water.

Make your way across the rock platforms by only using the moving stones.

You will be sent back if you are hit by a campfire or step on the grass.

Once all of the animals have received water, say "Smashing!" to proceed.

Note: You need to be carrying the water handitem in order for this step to work.

Upon completing this step you will receive a badge!

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 3

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game you have 2 minutes to guide Tommy the bot via the arrow plates towards the five tiles highlighted below in order to make them green.

The quickest route is indicated below.

Once all of the tiles have been turned green, step on any of the colour tiles around the arrow plates to proceed.

Note: The final two tiles will only appear after the previous tiles have been reached already.

Upon completing this step you will receive a badge!

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 4

Catch all the jellyfish by blocking their path whilst saying "*Catch*".

Once all of the jellyfish have been caught, say "Done" to proceed.

Upon completing this step you will receive a badge!

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 5

Stand on the tiles highlighted below and say "*Fill*" to fill the holes.

Your progress will be reset every minute.

Once all of the holes have been filled, say "Done" to proceed.

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 6

Flick the two switches highlighted below by only walking when the camera indicated is not moving.

Once both switches have been flicked, say "Done" to proceed.

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 7

Make your way to the other side of the room by only walking on the pink clouds.

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 8

Say "I wish" to receive your final badge!