Jubilating Journeys

Next stop, Japan!

Step 1

Use the ticket vendor shown below.

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 2

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 2 minutes to land on all of the tiles highlighted in blue in order to deliver the customer's meals.

You must use the set of enchanted teleports highlighted in yellow and green to reach each tile.

The enchanted teleport highlighted in yellow moves to a new tile every few seconds. Hence, you will need to correctly time your entry into the enchanted teleport highlighted in green in order to successfully land on all of the tiles.

Once all of the tiles have been stood on and the customers have received their meals, say "Done" to proceed.

Tip: As soon as you step on a tile, save time by stepping straight back into the moving enchanted teleport you came out of before it moves away.

Upon completing this step you will receive a badge!

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 3

Make your way across the rollers without falling off.

Sit in the hot tub to proceed.

Upon completing this step you will receive a badge!

Use the teleport shown below.

Step 4

Step on the yellow marquee to enter the game.

Once in the game, you have 1 minute to guide the daruma doll highlighted in blue towards all of the red tiles in order to turn them green using the arrow plates.

The tiles do not turn green straight away (they transition through purple and blue first). Therefore you must wait for a few seconds before moving the daruma doll so that each tile has time to completely change colour.

Once all of the tiles have been turned green, flick the switch highlighted in blue to proceed.

Note: If you are a spectator, you can proceed to the next level by flicking any of the switches highlighted in yellow.

Upon completing this step you will receive a badge!

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 5

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must not allow the duck to be hit by the rocks for 30 seconds by using the switches.

The switch highlighted in blue will move the duck one space to the left.

The switch highlighted in yellow will move the duck one space to the right.

You will automatically teleport once the time is up.

Upon completing this step you will receive a badge!

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 6

Flick the switches highlighted below.

You will teleport back to the start of the room if you do not flick the next switch in time.

The arrows indicate the direction your habbo will teleport after each switch.

Upon completing this step you will receive your final badge!