It gets darker and colder each time!

Help the fox get to sleep.

Step 1

Get in line and wait for your turn.


Use the arrow tiles and move the luggage to the Alpaca, flick the switch.

And then return the luggage back to the start and flick the switch.

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 2

Get in line and wait for your turn.


Survive 30 seconds on the rollers to proceed, don't get hit by the trash or you'll be out.

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 3

Use the switches to get the car behind the red tiles (flick it till it's further to the end)

You cay say *Tile 1/6* to teleport to the tiles.

Then say *Block* to block the cars, all cars must be on red tiles to proceed.

NOTE: You can only flick the switch if you're standing infront of the switch you're flicking.'

Say DONE when all cars are blocked to teleport.

Grab a tomato for the badge!

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 4

Flick the 5 switches (only if the fox is on the coins or yellow spots highlited below)

Once all the tiles are green say done or flick any switch to teleport.

Enter the teleport shown below.


Step 5

Flick the hidden switches are either of the 3 spots below.

Once all the 3 foxes are in the nests, walk on the snowy grass towards the end (highlighted in yellow)

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 6

Get in line and wait for your turn.


Stand on all red tiles and say *Check*
You might have to sit on some logs to get to some tiles so watch where you click.

Once all the tiles are green, say done to receive your last badge.