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Go on a trip with HabboBites and learn a thing or two about Sharks!


Step 1

Interact with the items in the room to turn all the 8 red tiles to green.

Once done the tiki gate will open, you have 10 seconds to enter before it closes and resets.

Enter the teleport.


Step 2

Avoid the moving jelly fishes and click the 4 jerry cans.


Once you've found all the 4 jerry cans, the way to the teleporter will be cleared. You have 10 seconds before it resets.


Step 3

Match the information to the bots below, then say it on the red rocks beside the bots (step on the rocky stacks)

Alternatively, copy & paste these answers standing on the respective red rocks.

1. Due to overfishing and shark finning some shark species are at risk!

2. Without sharks marine eco-systems face an uncertain future!

3. Recreational shark fishing is a large threat to the shark population!


Once all the bots are one the boat, type done to teleport! Resets after 10 seonds!


Enter the teleport.


Step 4

Sit on all the cyber stools to clean the chemical leakage (fog) then say done, it resets after 8 seconds.


Enter the teleport.


Step 5

Answer the telephrase questions.

1. Whale shark

2. Dolphins

3. Fishing

4. A pup

5. 100 million

6. Shortfin mako shark

7. 20 to 30 years

8. Electrical sensitivity


Enter the teleporter.


Step 6

Click any of the switches to receive your badge!

Take a screenshot of yourself in the last room and post it here to grab yourself a seal icon!