Happy Picnic Day!

Play with Anna and Cuddles for the day.

Step 1

Sit/walk on the spots highlighted below and say "*Picks Up*"

Once all the tiles are green say "Done" to teleport.

Enter the teleporter shown below.

Step 2

Get in the line and wait for your turn.

Use the arrows to move the picnic baskets on the rollers to the ringplate.
Follow the path highlighted below. Once the picnic basket is on the ringplate say "Done"

Note: You have 1 minute to complete.

Enter the teleporter shown below.

Step 3

Get in line and wait for your turn.

You have one minute to guide the bot over all the coloured tiles following the path below.
Once the middle tile is green walk on any tiles to teleport.

Enter the teleporter shown below.

Step 4

Use the rollers and moving stones to get to the ring plate.

Enter the teleporter shown below.

Step 5

Flick the respective switches when the bear is on the respective tiles.

Once all the tiles are green say "Catch" to teleport.

Enter the teleport shown below.

Step 6

Get an ice cream to receive your badge.