Novice's Nightmare

Welcome to the nether region.

Step 1

Step on any of the orange colour tiles shown below to teleport to the start of the run.

The Run

Here is a video on how to complete the entire run from start to finish if you need any assistance on where and when to click:

Firstly, wait for the previous game to finish. The attic gates in the image below will open once a new round has begun. You will then have 10 seconds to enter the game before the gates close. Once inside the run, you will have 5 minutes to reach the end. Failing at any stage will cause you to be teleported back to the very beginning.

Begin the run by making your way across the rollers without sliding onto the red colour tiles. Pass through either of the one way gates to proceed to the next stage.

Next, avoid stepping on the red colour tiles by using the pillows. Whilst you are able to sit on the pillows, you will lose the game if they collide with you (hit you from the side). Hence, immediately step off the pillows once you have sat on them.

Tip: Use the outside lanes indicated in the image below to maximise the amount of time you have to move out of the way and avoid collisions with the pillows.

Pass through either of the gates and step onto the rollers. Make your way to either of the geysers without falling onto the red colour tiles. Be careful to not be blocked by the geysers that will begin to spout water at random intervals. Stepping on either of the geysers will teleport you to the next stage.

Tip: Do not enter either of the one way gates until at least one of the geysers has stopped spouting water.

Enter the one way gate facing your habbo in order to move onto the roller. Upon moving onto the roller, the red colour tile adjacent to the spawn area (not the one next to the roller) will turn green. Quickly use the second gate to avoid rolling onto the red colour tile behind you and diag onto the green tile to proceed to the next stage. Repeat this once more with the second set of gates to move onwards.

Note: You will lose this stage if you land on a colour tile that is red, if you do not diag onto the green colour tiles or if you stop yourself whilst in the one way gates.

Here is a demonstration on how to complete this stage:

Run through the one way gates and colour tiles without stopping. If you remain stationary whilst on the colour tiles for too long, you will be teleported back to the beginning of the run.

Here is a demonstration on how to complete this stage:

Flick the switch highlighted below to receive your first badge!

Make your way across the rollers without stepping on the sliding red colour tiles. You must do this by clicking the next roller just as you are about to fall off the one you are standing on. To rotate the one way gate, you must flick the switches highlighted below twice in order to change their lights from red to green. Once both switches have been turned green, pass through the one way gate which will have rotated to proceed.

Warning: There is a trip tile which will cause your habbo to trip and fail the level if you enter the one way gate too early. Hence, only enter the one way gate as your habbo is just about to roll off the roller.

Tip: Use the one way gate on the red rollers from the final section of the run to help assist with the timing of the rollers.

Here is a demonstration on how to complete this stage:

Enter the one way gate and flick the switch highlighted below to rotate the second. Make your way to the second one way gate and enter it to move onto the next stage. You must do all of this whilst avoiding getting hit by the two pumpkins.

Here is a demonstration on how to complete this stage:

Make your way across the rollers without falling off. Once you reach the black one way gates, stand on the roller in front of the gate facing the incorrect direction (away from you). Glitch through it and diag onto the next roller by double clicking the adjacent one way gate (indicated with the orange rectangle). Afterwards, you must pass through the white one way gate and diag onto the second gate on top of the red rollers. Stepping on either of the red rollers will send you back to the beginning of the run. In order to glitch onto the second gate, you must enter the first gate and diag across immediately before it rolls onto the correct roller.

Here is a demonstration on how to complete this stage:

Glitch through the double one way gates facing the incorrect direction by double clicking the gates adjacent to each. The gates you must click are indicated with an orange rectangle. Diag safely onto the patio to proceed.

Here is a demonstration on how to complete this stage:

Finally, make your way to the green colour tile by passing through the six one way gates.

Use the switch highlighted below to receive your badge!