Dark Alternatives

How will you fare?

Step 1

Step on any of the arrow plates to enter the queue.

Wait in line patiently.

You will need two players for the game.

Once both you and your partner have entered the playing area, you will have 30 seconds to complete the task.

Firstly make your way towards the two tiles shown below to turn them orange. Both you and your partner need to be stood on each tile in order for this to work.

Avoid getting hit by the snake whilst doing this.

Next make your way towards the two tiles shown below to turn them pink. Both you and your partner need to be stood on each tile in order for this to work.

Avoid getting hit by the snake whilst doing this.

Click on the venetian divider highlighted in white below in order to sit on it.

Afterwards, flick the switch highlighted in blue to proceed.

Avoid getting hit by the snake whilst doing this.

Enter the teleport.

Step 2

Walk towards the switch shown below and flick it to proceed.

Ensure that you are not holding a coffee each time you take a step or else you will be teleported back.

If you are given a coffee, drop the item before you proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 3

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must use the arrow plates to guide the plushy onto the three colour tiles in order to make them green within 1 minute.

When stood on an arrow plate, the plushy will not stop moving in that direction until you step off.

If the plushy lands on any of the banzai arena tiles, it will be sent back to the start.

Once all of the colour tiles are green, say "Done" to proceed.

The image below suggests the order in which you should complete the level.

Enter the teleport.

Step 4

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 30 seconds to make your way through the pods and onto the ringplate before the dragon moves down the rollers and blocks your path.

Enter the teleport.

Step 5

Keep flicking the switches until you teleport behind the saloon bar desks.

Use the saloon drinks cabinet to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 6

Make your way to the stump chairs highlighted below by not stepping on the rollers or grass patches.

Enter the teleport.

Step 7

Use the switches shown below until you teleport.

The correct switch is constantly changing.

Flick the switch shown below to proceed.

Avoid getting hit by the knights.

Enter the teleport.

Step 8

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Make your way across the colour plates and stump chairs in order to turn all of the colour tiles yellow.

If you step on a colour tile or stump chair more than once you will mess up the round.

Use the palooza coaster to cross the rollers which will kill you if stood on indicated by the white arrows.

Ensure that you move through the colour tiles and stump chairs fast enough as to not miss the palooza coaster.

Once at the end, step on the green tile to proceed.

Enter the teleport highlighted below.

Step 9

Step on and off the following furni or tiles to turn the streetlights on.

Say "Done!" once all of the lights are on to proceed.

For the following rock, you will first need to sit on the rock highlighted in white to access the one highlighted in blue.

Enter the teleport.

Step 10

Make your way to the switch highlighted below and flick it to proceed.

Do not step off the rocks and do not collide with any of the animals or else you will be sent back.

Enter the teleport.

Step 11

When on the bongos, your habbo will automatically move forwards.

Ensure that when you are on the bongo highlighted in black, you immediately move onto the next one by manually clicking or else your habbo will walk onto the red tile.

Enter the teleport.

Step 12

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must avoid getting hit by the box for 30 seconds by alternating between the greek seats.

Say "Jump" in order to teleport to the other greek seat.

You will automatically proceed once the time is up.

Enter the teleport.

Step 13

Enter the teleport shown below once it appears.

You may need to first step on the area highlighted if your habbo isn't moving.

Step 14

Upon entering this room you will receive a badge!

This room is a checkpoint. In order to re-enter the maze from this point, go back to the main room, wear the badge shown above and step on the tile highlighted below.

Enter the teleport to get back to the checkpoint room.

If you wish to continue the maze, enter the teleport shown below.

Step 15

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must avoid getting hit by the box for 30 seconds by alternating between the greek seats.

Say "Jump" in order to teleport to the other greek seat.

You will automatically proceed once the time is up.

Enter the teleport.

Step 16

When on the tiki stools, your habbo will automatically move forwards.

Ensure that when you are on the tiki stools highlighted in red, you immediately move onto the next one by manually clicking or else your habbo will walk onto the red tiles.

Enter the teleport.

Step 17

Make your way to the switch highlighted below and flick it to proceed.

Do not step off the rocks and do not collide with any of the wolves or else you will be sent back.

Enter the teleport.

Step 18

Flick the switches in the following order.

You will teleport after flicking the final switch.

Enter the teleport.

Step 19

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Enter the one way gate once it rotates the correct way to enter the game.

Once in the game, you have 1 minute to flick all of the switches in order to turn the slope lights green.

Every time you fall off the rollers you will be sent back to the starting rip monster plant.

Once all of the slope lights are green, make your way towards the gate which will have opened highlighted in white by passing through the rotating one way gate and crossing the rest of the rollers.

Enter the teleport.

Step 20

Use the switches in the following order in order to light all of the lamps up.

Say "Done!" to proceed.

Use the switch shown below to reset the lamps if you mess up.

Make your way to the switch highlighted below and flick it to proceed.

Avoid getting hit by the ghosts.

Enter the teleport.

Step 21

Make your way to the patios highlighted below by not stepping on the rollers or swamp patches.

Enter the teleport.

Step 22

Make your way to the switch shown below and flick it to proceed.

Avoid stepping on the moving mice.

Enter the teleport.

Step 23

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 30 seconds to make your way through the pods and onto the ringplate before the dragon moves down the rollers and blocks your path.

Enter the teleport.

Step 24

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must beat the bot to the green tile by crossing the rollers and one way gates without falling onto the concrete patches.

The gate will open if you are stood on the green tile and the bot reaches you.

Enter the teleport.

Step 25

Walk towards the switch shown below and flick it to proceed.

Ensure that you are not holding a coffee each time you take a step or else you will be teleported back.

If you are given a coffee, drop the item before you proceed.

You must also avoid getting hit by the evil raiders.

Enter the teleport.

Step 26

Use the pear tree to receive the final badge!