A Colourful Challenge

Celebrate pride month with HabboQuests!

Step 1

Step on any of the tiles highlighted below to enter the queue.

Wait patiently in either of the two queues shown below.

Once in the game, you must complete all three rounds without dying to proceed. You have 1 minute to complete each round during which you must step on each colour tile to make them all pink/red/blue without getting hit by the glowballs. Once all of the colour tiles have been stood on, enter and wait inside the one way gate which will have rotated until the timer runs out.

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Enter the teleport.

Step 2

Light all of the candles by saying the following furni names outloud:

Paper Balls

Pastel Bunny Plushie

Cafe Table



Pastel Plushie Pile

Once all of the candles are lit, the gate will automatically open. Step on it to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 3

Make your way across the rollers and through the one way gates without falling to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 4

Use the banzai teleports to get to the five colour tiles which will open their corresponding gate when stood on. Step on the light blue colour tile once all the gates have opened to proceed.

Note: Say Exit if you get stuck.

Enter the teleport.

Step 5

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must survive for 1 minute without dying. To do so, you must step on the colour plates around you when the corresponding colour plate is on top of the arrow plates highlighted with a red box. You will lose if any colour plates reach the brown tiles. You will be automatically teleported upon winning.

Enter the teleport.

Step 6

Make your way to each gate by using the moving red colour plates. The game area will reset every 2 minutes.

Enter the teleport.

Step 7

Keep entering the teleports until you find the correct one.

Step 8

Make your way to the other side of the room by using the path given below.

Enter the teleport.

Step 9

Wait for the gate shown below to rotate in order to enter the game.

Once in the game, take note of which tile is coloured pink. Proceed to keep track of it whilst the tiles get shuffled.

Once the tiles move onto the coins, step on the colour tile that was originally pink to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 10

In each of the stages shown below, use/step on the correct moving furni to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 11

Pass through either of the one way gates and make it to the other side without being hit by any glowballs.

Enter the teleport.

Step 12

This room is a checkpoint. You will receive your first badge upon entering it.

To re-enter the maze from this point at a later time, you must first return to the entrance room and enter the teleport shown below.

Next, you must wear the checkpoint badge and sit on any of the benches in the room to proceed to the teleport. 

Now, back to the maze! Enter the teleport.

Step 13

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game you, you must complete both rounds without dying to proceed. You have 1 minute to complete each round during which you must kick the footballs onto the ringplates in order to open the gates. Once the gates are open, stand on them and wait in order to proceed.

Round 1

Round 2

Enter the teleport.

Step 14

Make your way to the rainbow pod by not stepping on any of the rollers and only using the colour tiles and gates. 

Enter the teleport.

Step 15

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 2 minutes to step on each colour tile once only in order to make them yellow and open the gate. If you step on a tile more than once, the tile will no longer be yellow and the gate will not open. Hence, use the path given below. Some of the gates will require you to exit them diagonally. Step on the gate when it opens to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 16

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must beat the dragon to the tile highlighted below. However, you must not step on anything but the plasto chairs and gates.

Enter the teleport.

Step 17

Make it to the end of the chair path by clicking on the floor tiles highlighted below. If you fall you will need to restart. The path gets cleared every 5 minutes.

Note: Say Exit if you get stuck.

Enter the teleport.

Step 18

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must continue dodging the glowballs until you are teleported onwards.

Enter the teleport.

Step 19

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you have 1 minute to guide the holo heart over the colour tiles in order to make them all pink. The switch changes the direction of the arrow. The holo heart will move in the direction of the arrow every time the arrow is stood on. Use the path shown along with the switch and arrow plate to complete the level. You will automatically teleport upon winning.

Enter the teleport.

Step 20

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must make it to the end of the rollers and onto the gate by only sitting on the pink pillow. The pink pillow will start moving immediately after you enter the game area. You must also ensure that the globe highlighted in red below doesn't reach the red tile. It moves fowards one space every second. To push the globe back a space, step on the pink rollers before quickly sitting back on the pink pillow before it leaves you behind.

Enter the teleport.

Step 21

Wait patiently in the queue shown below.

Once in the game, you must make it to the colour tile highlighted in blue by running through the pods and using the purple colour tile to cross the rollers. The purple colour tile will begin to move as soon as you enter the game area. You must ensure you pass through the pod sections fast enough so that the colour tile doesn't leave you behind. Additionally, you must make sure to step on all of the blue colour tiles highlighted in orange along the way, or else you will not teleport on the final tile. Step on the final tile and say Done to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 22

For each stage, quickly run across the pods towards the colour tile and back before the gate closes again.

Enter the teleport.

Step 23

Sit on either of the pods shown below to receive your badge!