So what kind of standard breakfast do you have every morning? Well for me, ever since the beginning of the 2nd year of my studies in bobba Poly , every morning I have always been to my school's canteen for breakfast and order breakfast set without fail. Until now whenever the store auntie sees me from afar she will start preparing my breakfast how the way i wanted, like the drink (Teh C) and the peanut butter spread on my toast. 

So this is what i have every morning before classes. Includes peanut butter toast bread, teh C and 2 half boiled eggs

1) Are you a dark sauce or a pepper to go with your eggs person? 

Well i love to have lots of pepper and 3 drops of dark sauce to go with my egg, this is my "style"

Well others may like dark sauce over pepper taking for example my classmate

2) How do you like your hot morning drink be? Milo, Horlicks, tea or coffee?

I normally go for Teh Si. If you dont know what is teh means it means (tea) i've got an infographic for you;)

Kopi* is coffee.

And for the ice/cold version, just add a "peng" behind.

3) What spread do you have on your toast? most common are a combination of kaya and butter, or sugar and butter. But for me, i love peanut butter :P