Silly and Informative Holidays of the Day!

Go Fishing Day

Have you ever wanted to go fishing but haven't had the chance? Today is that day!

Fishing is enjoyed by many different people and in recreational use, there are many different laws that tend to fishing.

These regulations are enforced for the safety of the ecosystem and the fish that people fish for.

If you live in the states and you are over the age of 16, go out and get a fishing license in your state and go out to swim!

Go out today to celebrate by fishing with friends or family!

Splurge Day

What is splurging?

To splurge, it basically means to treat yourself!

If you've been holding back on spending and being frugal, today is the day to treat yourself by buying yourself what you've wanted!

It doesn't even have to be expensive, it could be as small as getting an extra shot of flavor in your coffee! Could be as big as booking yourself a vacation.

Celebrate by treating yourself!

Picnic Day!

Picnics are enjoyed all over the world by going outside and enjoying a good meal.

Being outdoors and eating with family and friends is a great way to celebrate picnic day.

Whether it is a large gathering picnic or a small one with a friend, tomorrow is the best day to go in celebration.

Sushi Day !

The unique food sushi is enjoyed all around the world.

Sushi is a type of food from Japan that consists of rice and assorted seafood.

There are many variations of sushi that consist of raw fish and different types of shellfish, and vegetables.

Where ever you get sushi, it is served different from different chefs.

To celebrate, you can go out to a local place that serves sushi and enjoy some for yourself!