Silly and Informative Holidays !

The research I’ve done for June 1st’s holidays is outstanding and I’m actually going to pick and choose some because there are way too many!

Olive Day

Olives are very underappreciated and are appreciated on this special day!

Did you know that olives are a fruit?

Olives are also used in cocktails, snacks, used as toppings, and included in many different foods!

Olives have many different uses and is related to tradition and kitchen recipes.

Celebrating this day is a way to appreciate this great fruit!

Go Barefoot Day

Ever want to go barefoot and feel like your shoes are foot prisons?

Today is that day! This day is to kick off those shoes whether it be at work or outside enjoying the day.

There is actually a purpose to this day, which relates to a charity.

How can you contribute? It’s that time of year close to summer where you’re buying new shoes and getting rid of ones that are not suitable for you anymore, or don’t fit!

You can donate those shoes to a charity for those less fortunate or donate to the Soles4Souls organization, which is available in different countries like the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia!

What do you plan to do to contribute to this day?

Penpal Day

People all over the world experience what it is like to have a penpal.

Do you have a penpal?

This day is to appreciate your penpal and let them know how much they mean to you.

Do you not have a penpal?

Sign up to get one online! It’s a great way to make friends from different countries.

Running Day

Always the first Wednesday in June, is noted as Running Day!

The day is for all runners to reunite and take a run, or for new runners to start.

It’s the start of June, so it’s a great day to go out running with a few friends.

Say Something Nice Day

This is a great day to say something nice to someone. It’s the start of a summer month and a bright one to appreciate one another.

The purpose of the holiday is to promote kindness and go against the act of bullying and mean comments.

Want to contribute?

Say something nice to someone else on habbobites today to make someone’s day !