Silly and Informative Holidays of the Year!

Rocky Road Day

A day which is celebrated to spotlight the Rocky Road ice cream!

What is rocky road?

It consists of marshmallows, nuts and chocolate.

Many different desserts include the contents of rocky road and it’s not limited to just ice cream!

The actual creation of the dessert Rocky Road was made in Australia way back in 1853!

The ice cream itself was made in 1929.

Want to celebrate the day? Eat some Rocky Road ice cream or dessert!

Leave The Office Early Day

Usually, this is a day dedicated to those who work more than 40 hours a week, and it is used to leave the office a bit earlier than usual.

After getting all your necessary work done at work and receiving approval from your superior, you should try to take off the rest of the day by leaving work early.

Just make sure to confirm with your boss!

Will you try to leave the office early today?