Silly and Informative Holidays of the Year !

National Paperclip Day

Surprising right? Even paperclips get their own holiday. 

In 1867, the first paperclip was invented by the great inventor Samuel B. Fay.

The original use for paperclips was to attach tickets to fabric and people who used it, ended up using them to keep paper together! Amazing logic.

Today paperclips come in various assortments and are used everyday !


Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day

Before refrigerators were a thing, people in both Europe and the United States would put cloth in their larders for good luck on this day.

Of course, now we have the glorified fridge, so tradition has changed, and now people put the pillow they sleep on, on their fridge in order to bring good luck to their homes.

It would be more traditional to put the pillow in the fridge, but who wants to do that?

Will you be putting a pillow on your fridge to bring good luck? Leave your response !