The final season of GBBO on BBC One has come to a close! What were your thoughts on the final? Did the right person win? What're your thoughts on the show moving channels? 

Going into the final of the Great British Bake Off, we were faced with Candice, Jane and Andrew as our finalists. All three are excellent bakers, but at the end of the episode, Candice Brown was crowned the winner. 

The final received more views than any other Bake Off seasons in the past, with last years hitting a record 13.8 million. This year, the viewing numbers peaked as Candice was crowned winner, at 14.8 million viewers. This is absolutely amazing, consideering the amount of people who watch in groups as well, showing how popular the show has been. 

However, the future of the Bake Off is currently unknown. After Channel 4 purchased the show only weeks ago, followed by Mel and Sue, as well as Mary Berry, leaving the show, it's curious as to what the show will become. 

Do you think Candice deserved to win, or do you think one of the others were better suited? Are you looking forward to seeing the show move to Channel 4? Let me know your opinions!